Corvinus HÖK




A Kabinet elsődleges feladata a HÖK Elnökség munkájának segítése. Tagjai a kabinetvezető, az IT referens és a jogi referens, akik hosszú-távú projekteken és ad-hoc ügyek megoldásán keresztül támogatják a szervezet munkáját. Az IT referens biztosítja, hogy a HÖK belső informatikai rendszerei megfelelően működjenek, illetve hogy a HÖK weblapja mindig friss és elérhető legyen a hallgatók számára. A jogi referens feladata, hogy a szervezet szabályosan működjön, és elsősorban belső szabályzatok kidolgozásával foglalkozik.




The Cabinet is headed by Lilla Pék Eszter, who is a third-year student majoring in international management. Eszti started at the Student Organization Area, where he worked for half a year as the Coordinator responsible for Development, and then for one year as Area Manager. He then continued his HÖK career as head of the Cabinet, where he supervises the operation of the cabinet functions subordinate to him and helps the President with his daily tasks as an ad hoc project manager. As cabinet manager, it is important to be able to coordinate different functions and projects. Must be empathetic and proactive in addressing student needs and have business acumen for relationships.



A kabinetet Filep Krisztián vezeti, aki elsőéves Pénzügy mesterszakos hallgató, emellett a Rajk Szakkollégium tagja. Krisztián HÖK-ös pályafutását az Oktatási Területen kezdte, majd a kabinet jogi referenseként tevékenykedett. Kabinetvezetői munkája során a funkciók felügyelete mellett igyekszik stratégiai kérdésekben tanácsot adni az Elnökségnek, és különböző eseti ügyek kezelésével segíteni annak munkáját.




Frequently Asked Questions

You can find information about the college on the following link: By clicking on the dormitory application notice, you can see information about the application, and the prices and additional service reimbursement fees are indicated at the end of the document. The dormitory application notice is updated every semester, and applications are made through Neptun.

You can report your problem to the e-mail addresses below. In addition, dorm managers, seniors and members of the HÖK dormitory function can help you if you get stuck. Click here for HÖK contact details. (Here you should contact the college referees. )

Ráday College –

Kinizzi College -

Tarkarét College –

Gellért Campus College

Yes, we can help with financial resources, promotional services and as event organizers. For more information, contact the dormitory representatives.

The most important information can be found on the following link under the Dormitory social scholarship tab:  

You can use the Corvinus Discounts through the MyCorvinus app. Thanks to our partners, you can explore Budapest, eat, drink, have fun and even search for real estate. And of course, all this cheaper than others. We currently offer discounts at Starbucks, SugárMozi, GoActive, Why Not Café, Sugár Fitness, Gosip Bar, Popogó, Munch, LG and many more another place. Keep an eye on the MyCorvinus application, as the list of discounts is constantly expanding.


Head of Cabinet

IT referens

Kovalik-Deák Bercel



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