Corvinus HÖK


The International Area operates for two defining purposes. First, we are responsible for the integration of foreign students permanently studying at our university, by implementing various community-building events. We want the international students who come here to be active members of a welcoming, colorful community, and we created the ISC (International Student Club) for this purpose. Secondly, we promote the internationalization of the university. An Advisory Board created for foreign students actively operates under us, and in cooperation with the university, we represent the students in accreditation and international matters. In addition, the area also plays an active role in conducting part-time training applications abroad.



Virág Vada, the head of the International area, is a third-year student in international management. Virág started doing HÖK when she was a freshman, and projects related to the Erasmus+ program became her favorite. Later, as a foreign affairs coordinator, he not only helped Hungarian students in connection with the Pannónia Scholarship, but also became an active organizer and participant of the Advisory Board, an interest representation organization for foreigners. As regional leader, his goal is to reduce student insecurity around Pannonia and to bring foreign and Hungarian students closer to each other. Virág travels a lot in her free time and loves sports.



Virág Vada, the head of the International area, is a third-year student in international management. Virág started doing HÖK when she was a freshman, and projects related to the Erasmus+ program became her favorite. Later, as a foreign affairs coordinator, he not only helped Hungarian students in connection with the Pannónia Scholarship, but also became an active organizer and participant of the Advisory Board, an interest representation organization for foreigners. As regional leader, his goal is to reduce student insecurity around Pannonia and to bring foreign and Hungarian students closer to each other. Virág travels a lot in her free time and loves sports.


Frequently Asked Questions

The International Area plays a key role in the management of foreign part-time training applications. Every year, we organize the Erasmus+ Info Evening, where we present the application process for part-time study abroad applications in detail to those who are interested in mobility programs. Through the event, we actively help students to answer questions that arise during the application period, and we take a significant part in scoring the submitted applications, thereby supporting the Erasmus office. In addition, we organize the Erasmus+ Meeting every spring semester, where we provide detailed information on the most important things to do before departure and help establish relationships between travelers, thus making it easier to thrive in a new environment.

The International Area actively participates in approx. studying at Corvinus University. In the integration and integration of 1,200 foreign students with diverse programs, such as the International Gala, Cultural Day or the Welcome Afternoon events. Thanks to these events, students have the opportunity to form valuable relationships with their fellow students of other nationalities, and they can also create closer ties with us, the members of the International Area. With the help of this, we can help their institutional integration by listening to their personal experiences and adapting to them.

We think it is important that every student can find what interests them and where they feel good, so we hold both entertainment and professional events on a monthly basis. Those who want to get to know each other and relax are welcome every month at creative Get Together events, pre-party preparations or the exciting sightseeing tour organized once every semester. Those who are more attracted to the professional direction can participate in our round table discussions or even join the Advisory Board, the interest representation body created by the international area.

The Advisory Board is an interest representation body created for foreign students, which has approx. is held every three weeks. It usually takes place with 15-25 participants, who share their experiences and problems related to various university topics with us. We try to find solutions to these problems by forming project teams.

We invite all foreign students to our events (in fact, many of our events are also available to Hungarian students), they make up the International Student Club. Most of our events require registration, which is possible with the university email address. Furthermore, we have created a Facebook and Whatsapp group for foreign students, where they can find out about our programs. We also have an Instagram page where students can get important information. We try to convey this to the students when they arrive at our university, our contact details can be found in the Onboarding Guide provided to foreign students, which we created to help them integrate and get their initial orientation. 


Instagram: @isc_corvinus

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